Ixworth Sale Trail 2015

Ixworth Sale TrailWould you like to sell your items from the comfort of your driveway, front garden or garage?

No need to set off to a car boot sale and the Buyers come to you!

Join in the Ixworth Sale Trail on Sunday 26th July from 10.00am to 2.00pm. £6.00 per household. Application forms are in the Post Office and Village Shops.

A map will be produced to show buyers where to find you. Click here to download the flyer for the event

Maps will be sold at the Village Hall on the day.

Maps will only be 50p.

Refreshments available at the Village Hall.

Soft drinks, bacon rolls, tea/coffee, cakes and BBQ.

Please PARK ON THE MEADOW next to the Village Hall.

All money raised from the fee, refreshments and

sale of maps will go towards refurbishment of the

Village Hall.


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