Ixworth Arts & Crafts Show 13th & 14th October 2012

Are you an Artist?

Do you have a Craft?


Come and showcase your work at the Ixworth Arts & Crafts Show on the 13th and 14th October 2012 at Ixworth Village Hall.


For more information contact:


Lucy Shepard:  07894106014 or  lucy.shepard@btinternet.com

Sarah Dunsdon: sarah@boutique-baking.co.uk


Facebook:        www.facebook.com/IxworthArtsAndCrafts

ixworth village hall

ixworth village hall

Ixworth Village Hall is run by a committee and looks after the hall in the interests of the village.

1 Responses to Ixworth Arts & Crafts Show 13th & 14th October 2012

  1. Jenny Jealous Jenny Jealous says:

    E mail sent on 10th July requesting further information re. Arts and Crafts Show.
    Still no reply – did you receive it ???
    Four ‘crafty’ people are interested !!

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